Using technology for positive social change
.The Irish Times recently featured the work of Digital Doddle that specilalises in education technology for health and medical sector. Sylvia Thompson in the article, highlights “… the growing movement of people developing free technological solutions to social and health problems who want to develop the internet as a safer, more ethically driven space”
The Steth-o-cope app that we developed, in collaboration with Professor Dara Byrne and her team, got a special mention.
“Máirín Murray, co-founder of Tech for Good Dublin, runs Digital Doddle, a digital company that specialises in educational technology for health and medical sector. Steth-o-cope, an Android app, she developed with clinicians at Galway University Hopital, aims to help interns cope better when they’re called to manage an unwell patient on the ward”
The article also focussed on the mission of Tech for Good Dublin which includes encouraging a human rights based approch to technology and supporting diversity and equality.
The full article is below: