Digital Business Women features Digital Doddle Founder
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Digital Business Women features Digital Doddle Founder

Digital Business Women features Digital Doddle Founder

The Digital Business Women’s Journal in December features an interview with founder of Digital Doddle – Máirín Murray. She talks about her career to date and her inspirations.

I find inspiration from my ‘work’  – not simply paid work but side projects and unpaid collaborations.  As co-founder of Tech for Good Dublin I’ve become a cheer leader for tech for good start-ups and so inspired by the amazing people who are harnessing tech to drive change.  I also think that it’ important to connect beyond our own local context and I aim to connect to people beyond Dublin and Ireland.  It’s so inspiring to find out how people in other cities and countries are using tech to address similar problems and to help to share these local solutions.

Explore the edition below.